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Apps to drink water - 4 apps that should be on your cell phone!

With the rush of everyday life, we forget to take something essential for the proper functioning of our organism, water. On average, an adult should drink 2 liters of water throughout the day!

However, not everyone can ingest that amount of liquid, but there is a way to help you reach the 2 liters daily.

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In that case, downloading apps to drink water is a good solution for this. These apps send sound alerts for you to drink water, knowing that, check out 4 apps below to remind you to drink water.

What is the best app to drink water?

H2App: Remind to drink water

With more than 100,000 downloads, H2App is an app to drink water at the right time, perfect for those who have trouble drinking water throughout the day. The app has a function that I particularly find very interesting!

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On the app’s home page, you create alerts to drink water! It basically works as an alarm, that is, at the time you scheduled the application, it will let you know that it is time to drink water. In addition, it is possible to know how many ml should be ingested to reach the goal of 2 liters of water a day.

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Time to drink water

Time to drink water and another app that sends alerts to drink water. The app is available for both IOS and Android, so there’s no excuse to download this app.

In addition, the application has its own sounds to differentiate from the noises of your cell phone, so you can more easily identify the application’s notification to drink water every hour. Time to drink water has more than 5 million downloads on the Play Store, that is, a lot of people are downloading this tool.

Aqualert: Drink water reminder

Following the same logic as the apps above, Aqualert sends notifications for users to drink water. When the alert arrives on your smartphone, you receive the necessary amount of water to drink at that moment, this app is worth knowing.

According to Techtudo , in the settings of this application you can inform data about yourself, for example: Current weight, if you practice physical exercise, if you are a man or a woman. All this will be taken into account when the tool sends notification about the ideal amount of water. Therefore, enter the correct data about yourself!

Hydro drink water

As the name implies, Hydro drink water is a free water drinking app! It works the same way as the other apps mentioned in this text, but with one difference, it calculates your water consumption according to your routine.

For example: If you practice physical exercises every day, the application tells you the amount of water to drink, this is valid for people who do not have a physical activity routine. It is worth remembering that the tool also takes into account studies, work and other activities done in your day.

How does the Drink Water app work?

The Drink Water app’s main objective is to help people stay hydrated. It helps users track how much water they drink each day and provides reminders so they don’t forget to drink water.

The app uses a simple but effective interface that allows users to set a daily water goal, log every glass or bottle of water they drink, and get reminders when it’s time to drink.

Additionally, the app provides helpful insights, including your average hydration rate and a detailed graph of your progress over time. With these tools at their fingertips, users can easily monitor their intake and stay on track to reach their daily goal.

What happens if you drink 1 liter of water at once?

Drinking too much water at once can be dangerous and even fatal. It’s important to drink water throughout the day instead of drinking a liter at once.

This can help you maintain an optimal level of hydration, avoid possible side effects such as bloating or stomach pain, and give your body enough time to absorb the fluid.


What’s the best way to drink water?

The best way to drink water is gradually throughout the day. Divide your daily intake into several smaller glasses or bottles and drink throughout the day. This will help you stay hydrated and avoid any potential side effects associated with drinking too much water.

After reading this content about apps to drink water, I’m sure you’ll be able to stay hydrated throughout the day. But it’s no use downloading these apps and not drinking the liquid, so when the app alerts you, grab your glass of water and hydrate.  


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