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When Apps Stop Working, What To Do? 3 Tips To Solve This Error!

Users have complained of apps crashing for no obvious reason, this bug is accompanied by a message like “the app has stopped working”.

Even having this error on your cell phone, it is very easy to fix the problem, since most of the time this error is caused by the application, and not by your cell phone.

Knowing this, I will present you with 3 solutions for what to do when apps stop working. No need to download extra apps or make complicated adjustments!

What to do when all apps stop working?

Make app updates

Many users complain about why apps stop working , but what they don’t know is that this bug is caused by the lack of a new version of the app. 

By updating the application you eliminate errors that the app has, as most updates are exactly for that. Also, it prevents your device from being hacked. Therefore, when the application has bugs, check if there are updates available. Here’s the tip!

Restart your mobile

Your smartphone works like a machine that works 24 hours a day, from time to time there may be a conflict in the system, which ends up causing the error in the application. Therefore, restarting the phone can solve when apps stop working in seconds.

Clear the cache

Did the previous step fail? Maybe clearing the cache will fix it! Clearing caches is the same thing as clearing unnecessary memory that apps use. By doing this, you decrease the chances of bugs or errors on your cell phone!

According to Tecnoblog, to clear your cache, go to your cell phone settings and look for the “applications” option. When accessing the apps page, you must click on the app you want to delete the cache.

Doing this, you will notice that there are several options, choose “storage”! Once that’s done, just search for “clear cache”. 

Why do apps stop working?

When apps stop working, it could be errors that are happening on your cell phone. One of the most common is the accumulation of cache on the smartphone, it causes your phone to crash or have bugs in the apps. 

Another problem that hinders the proper functioning of the applications is the lack of updates. Not downloading new app updates causes them to have constant errors, and in some serious cases, suffer hacker attacks.

With these tips mentioned in this article, I’m sure you’ll know how to deal with all the apps that have stopped working. Do not forget to share this text with friends who are having this error on their cell phone.



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